Lefant M210P Robot Vacuum Cleaner 

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Lefant M210P Robot Vacuum Cleaner 
Table of Contents

This blog post will look into the Lefant M210P Robot Vacuum Cleaner. We’ll discuss some of its unique features and performance in detail. 

We want to find out why most people love this particular vacuum cleaner, we’ll start by discussing its Affordability and some of its features.

Lefant M210P Robot Vacuum Cleaner 


Lefant M210 Pro test: good vacuum robot without frills





Affordability and Features

The Lefant M210P takes a very inexpensive approach by forgoing many of the luxurious features of newer robot vacuum cleaners.

For example, It lacks self-emptying capabilities, obstacle detection, LiDAR mapping, and mopping functions. 

Surprisingly, it even skips the normal brush roller; it relies mostly on a soft rubber skirt to direct dirt into the collection bin. 

This approach results in one of Amazon’s most budget-friendly robot vacuum cleaners.

Physical Attributes

Physically, the Lefant M210P is one of the smallest robot vacuum cleaners to date. 

It has very compact dimensions, both in height and diameter, which makes it a unique addition to the market. 

Despite its small size, the bin capacity remains reasonable, while slightly smaller than average, given the device’s compact design.

Brushless Design and Suction Power

One notable absence in the Lefant M210P is a brush bar. While this removes the need to wrestle with tangled hair, it restricts its ability to agitate carpets effectively. 

Nevertheless, its suction power, rated at 1,800Pa, has proven adequate for general cleaning tasks, albeit below the capabilities of some more expensive competitors.

Basic Package Contents

The Lefant M210P’s package includes essentials such as a charging station, spare filter, and extra corner sweeping brushes. 

However, the relatively short main lead is somewhat disappointing. In terms of additional accessories, that’s the extent of what you’ll find in the box.

User-Friendly Setup

Setting up the Lefant M210P is not that difficult but an easy process.

 The smartphone app, compatible with Android and iOS, provides easy connectivity to your Wi-Fi network, granting control over the robot’s functions. 

While the app is the same as other Lefant models, it lacks certain features found in more expensive robots, such as map storage for LiDAR-equipped models.

Navigation Challenges

The Lefant M210P’s navigation capabilities leave room for serious improvement.

 It lacks advanced mapping technology; it relies majorly on basic movement tracking. 

Consequently, it may follow a less efficient cleaning path, unable to avoid obstacles or create no-go zones.

 It would help if you made sure of a clutter-free floor before deployment.

Spot Cleaning

For targeted cleaning, the Lefant M210P gives you a spot-cleaning feature accessible via the remote control. 

All you have to do is place the robot directly on a spill and then allow it to spiral outwards; it will effectively clean the area. 

This method proved effective in our cleaning tests.

Inadequate Navigation for Complex Spaces

The robot’s navigation struggles in more complex environments.

 It often fails to cover the entire floor due to its reliance on basic mapping. 

It may repeat cleaning paths unnecessarily, leading to inefficient cleaning.

Charging Challenges

Returning the robot to its charging base can be a challenge. 

It cannot remember its starting point and depends so much on a direct line of sight to find the charger. 

In cases where it loses sight of the charger, it may meander aimlessly, struggling to return home.

Cleaning Performance

Despite navigation limitations, the Lefant M210P shows a commendable cleaning performance.

 It excelled in tests involving juice spillages on different surfaces, particularly in spot-cleaning scenarios. 

It efficiently collected spilled juice, achieving near-perfect results on both carpet and hard floors. 

However, fine particles like flour will pose more difficulty, with slightly lower collection rates, especially on carpeted surfaces.

User Review:

One User shared her experience with the Lefant M210P, she said;

I recently purchased the Lefant M210P Robot Vacuum Cleaner and am quite pleased with it. The best part, of course, is the price.

 It didn’t break the bank and does a good job for what it costs. I live in a cozy apartment, and this compact robot fits perfectly. 

It’s fantastic at navigating under my furniture and getting into tight corners, which is something my previous vacuum struggled with.

Maintenance is cool, too! I no longer have to spend time untangling hair from brush rollers; this brushless design has been a game-changer. 

Setting it up was also simple, and the smartphone app is surprisingly easy to use. I can control it right from my phone, which is super convenient.

Spot cleaning is where it truly shines. Whenever there’s a spill, I place it in the area, which works in a neat spiral pattern. 

It’s efficient and leaves the spot spotless! Also, it’s got decent suction power for everyday dirt and dust. For my small apartment, it’s more than enough.

Another User who seemed not so Happy has this to say

My experience with the Lefant M210P has been nothing short of frustrating. Yes, it’s cheap, but you get what you pay for. 

First off, it lacks basic features like LiDAR mapping and obstacle detection. It’s like watching a blindfolded toddler navigate my home. 

It constantly bumps into things, and the basic movement tracking is far from efficient.

On top of that, it’s advertised as being okay for carpets, but I beg to differ. Without a brush roller, it barely does anything on carpets. 

I found myself manually cleaning the carpets after it had passed because it didn’t agitate the fibers at all.

Charging this thing is a nightmare. It can’t remember where it started, so it struggles to find its way back to the charger.

 I’ve seen it go in circles, assuming it found the edge of the room when it didn’t.

Lastly, it’s a terrible choice for a larger or more complex space. It simply can’t handle it. 

It misses spots, repeats cleaning paths endlessly, and generally frustrates me more than it helps.

I can’t recommend it to anyone with a substantial cleaning job. Save your money and invest in something more reliable.

Conclusion: Is the Lefant M210P Worth It?

The Lefant M210P is a good option for those seeking an affordable robot vacuum for smaller spaces.

 Its cleaning performance, especially in spot cleaning, impresses. 

However, its navigation limitations hinder it in larger and more complicated environments. 

With other more capable and budget-friendly options, such as the Eufy RoboVac G20, the Lefant M210P faces strong competition in the market. 

It may suffice for customers with good cleaning needs, but those looking for better navigation and versatility should look at alternative options.

Pros and Cons of the Lefant M210P


  1. Affordable Price Point: The most significant advantage of the Lefant M210P is its Affordability. It offers an entry-level option for consumers who want to experience the convenience of a robot vacuum without a hefty price tag.
  2. Compact and Space-Saving Design: The Lefant M210P’s compact design is perfect for smaller living spaces. Its shorter height and narrower diameter allow it to maneuver easily under furniture and in tight corners where larger robot vacuums may struggle.
  3. Minimal Maintenance: With a brushless design, the Lefant M210P reduces the need for regular maintenance. You can avoid the stress of untangling hair and debris from traditional brush rollers.
  4. User-Friendly Setup: Setting up the Lefant M210P is simple. The accompanying smartphone app simplifies the initial connection, so even a tech novice can get the robot up and running quickly.
  5. Effective Spot Cleaning: The robot’s spot cleaning feature, controlled through the remote, is a notable pro. It follows a 
  6.      Pattern, targets, and cleans specific areas, which is good for handling spills and localized messes.
  7. Adequate Suction Power: The Lefant M210P offers reasonable suction power despite its budget-friendly price. It can handle common household debris and dirt effectively.


  1. Limited Advanced Features: The Lefant M210P lacks several advanced features that have become commonplace in the robot vacuum market. Some notably absent are self-emptying capabilities, obstacle detection, LiDAR mapping, and mopping functions. This can limit its versatility for users who want a more comprehensive cleaning.
  2. Limited Carpet Cleaning: While low-maintenance, the robot’s brushless design can struggle to provide deep carpet cleaning. It may not agitate and remove embedded dirt and debris from carpets, limiting its performance on these surfaces.
  3. Basic Navigation: The robot relies on basic movement tracking rather than advanced mapping technology, automatically leading to less efficient cleaning paths. It may miss certain areas or unnecessarily repeat cleaning in the same spots, particularly in complex or larger spaces.
  4. No-Go Zone Limitations: You cannot create specific no-go zones for the robot due to the absence of advanced mapping features. This means that you must ensure a clutter-free floor before deploying the robot, we know this can be inconvenient.
  5. Charging Challenges: The robot’s navigation can present challenges when returning to its charging base, especially in larger spaces. It cannot remember its starting point and relies on a direct line of sight to find the charger. This may result in inefficient recharging attempts.
  6. Limited Coverage for Complex Spaces: The basic mapping system can lead to difficulty navigating complex floor plans. The robot struggles to cover all areas well, which could be frustrating for those with larger or intricate living spaces.

 FAQ and answers

1. Does the Lefant M210P come with advanced features like LiDAR mapping or obstacle detection?

No, the Lefant M210P is a budget-friendly robot vacuum that lacks advanced features like LiDAR mapping and obstacle detection.

 It relies on basic movement tracking for navigation.

2. How does the Lefant M210P handle carpeted surfaces without a brush roller?

The Lefant M210P’s brushless design may not agitate carpets as effectively as vacuums with brush rollers.

 While it can handle light cleaning on carpets, it may not provide deep cleaning for embedded dirt.

3. Can no-go zones for the Lefant M210P be created to avoid specific areas?

No, the Lefant M210P lacks the capability to create no-go zones due to its basic mapping system.

 It would help to ensure the floor was clear of obstacles before deploying the robot.

4. Can the Lefant M210P find its charging base easily, especially in larger spaces?

The robot’s ability to find its charging base is challenging, especially in larger spaces. 

It relies on direct line-of-sight to locate the charger, which can lead to inefficient recharging attempts.

5. Does the Lefant M210P offer efficient cleaning for complex floor plans?

The Lefant M210P’s basic mapping system struggles to move around complex floor plans efficiently. 

If you are with larger or intricate living spaces, you’ll discover that the robot misses certain areas or repeats cleaning paths.

6. How does the Lefant M210P perform in spot-cleaning tasks?

The Lefant M210P performs very well in spot cleaning.

 It uses a spiral pattern to target specific areas and is reliable for handling spills and localized messes in your home.



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